Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Thoughts

I have appreciated the opportunity to participate in this class...all in all a good experience. I found the amount of information and the speed with which we moved through it to be somewhat overwhelming. At the very least, this has been a great introduction to all of the new technology available to us...some of which I will pursue on my own personal time.


After spending some time looking through the different audio books, I found several that I would be interested in downloading. I would love to be able to download these to my mp3 player as I could listen to them while walking.


I spent some time looking through the podcast directories, podcast alley, specifically. I found that alot of the podcasts were either older or didn't even exist. If I found a podcast that I was interested in, it would be nice to download it to my mp3 player and listen to it while I walk the dog. I'm not so sure that I see much use for podcasts from the library's perspective. I added a feed to my bloglines account, but I didn't find too many others that I would be interested in adding.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

You Tube

All in all, I've found you tube to be an interesting resource. It's fun to be able to look up just about anything that interests you, worldwide. I'm not so sure, though, that there is much benefit for it in the work place. I also have concerns as a parent because of the content of much that is available with just the "click" of a key.

I had fun checking out one of my favorite things...pugs!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=untfJnXUZeg