Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tech Talk

Today's blog has to be a comment on anything to do with technology. The thought that immediately comes to mind is that technology enables us to communicate and offers us resources that we wouldn't otherwise have access to. It definitely is a lifelong learning process as things continually change.

Having Fun With Flickr!

After playing around on Flickr, I would have to say that the trading card feature definitely intrigued me the most. It was so much fun creating a card, sometimes goofing off on the computer is a blast!

Pugs, Pugs, Pugs!!!

Yes, I know that my blog is titled "Books-n-cooks," but I have to get pugs in there somewhere!!! I found this adorable picture on flicker and just had to post it...hope my little buddy "Benedict" doesn't get jealous!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lifelong Learning

After listening to the tutorial on lifelong learning, I would have to say that my greatest obstacle is to find the passion and motivation to develop and grow in areas that I am not particularly interested in. Okay, I admit that I haven't exactly done cartwheels at the thought of learning how to use a new search engine or screamed in excitement at the thought of setting up this blog, for example. I do know that I always give the task at hand my best effort and may just have to work a little harder at viewing my technological challenges as opportunities to grow and not see them as problems!

On the other hand, the easiest step for me is definitely helping others, teaching others and mentoring. My passion for people makes this very easy. Ironically, after pondering over this whole idea of lifelong learning and the obstacles that we face, my daughter asked me to read a poem that she had just written for a homework assignment. The message became very clear...

I believe...
failure is a state of mind
beauty is a matter of perception
memory is what you choose to remember
I also believe...
good things are evanescent
seeing does not require sight
losing something is the only way to find it
but most of all, I believe...
we want to believe when we say we don't

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My First Post!!

Yaaaaa!!!! After much frustration and a temper tantrum or first blog is finally created!!! I'm now (if I wasn't before) officially a cool mom!